Aaisonline Wordpress

Privacy Policy

Our web server may write a small computer file called a “cookie” to your hard drive to facilitate your use of the site and to collect information on how AAISonlineis used. Any cookies used by us do not capture or contain personal identifying information, and most web browsers allow you to erase or block cookies.

AAISonline collects certain personal identifying information voluntarily submitted by registered users, and by users who voluntarily register for meetings, web seminars, and other offerings. Any identifying information submitted to AAIS is protected from unauthorized disclosure, access, and use by physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards.

AAIS does not sell, rent, or lease customer lists to third parties. Some identifying information may be shared with individuals or organizations outside of AAIS if it is related to the purpose for which the information was submitted. For example, outside co-presenters of a web seminar may receive a list of participants. A vendor may be notified if someone submits a question about a product or service. Also, information submitted to AAISonline may be used to contact you with announcements or inquiries regarding products, services, meetings, surveys, or other reasons related to AAIS.

Information submitted in response to employment opportunities is submitted directly to our human resources department and is not stored or shared for any other purpose.