
Apoorva Insurance

Apoorva Insurance, LLC provides affordable products and services in the P&C insurance industry. With 80+ employees, Apoorva services AAIS Members for all lines of business. Apoorva migrates carriers and MGAs from other rating bureaus to AAIS’s forms and manuals. 

Apoorva is currently focused on the following areas:

  • AAIS Statistical Reporting: Using reports from your policy administration systems (PAS), create and upload statistical reports to AAIS for compliance.
  • AAIS Rating Impact Engine: Analyze your portfolio for rating impact by building a rating engine for any AAIS Line of Business.
  • AAIS Policy Administration: Build your custom all-in-one PAS with billing and claims for a percentage of your policy premium.
  • NIPR Agent Compliance: Provide compliance for agents and adjusters.
  • Direct-to-Customer Portal: Using your PAS APIs, sell directly to customers on your website.
  • FREE Payment Integration: With Priority Commerce, provide complimentary programming services to receive premiums.

We look forward to doing great things with you
anywhere in the world.